Fuel Treatment FT-10™

Fuel Treatment FT-10™

FT-10TM is a fuel additive that blends with all grades of leaded, unleaded and diesel fuels. FT-10TM dissipates moisture in the fuel system, eliminating water droplet "explosions" that can occur. These explosions erode injector nozzles, lowering system efficiency and causing frequent replacement of expensive parts.FT-10TM contains Muscle Metal Treatment MT-10® technology for improved upper cylinder lubrication.

A clean fuel system provides better fuel flow to the ignition system, resulting in increased mileage and engine performance.

FT-10TM complies with Federal sulfur content requirements for use in diesel engines. In diesel fuels, FT-10TM controls fungus growth. When used according to directions, FT-10TM prevents jelling in temperatures as low as -20oF (-29oC).



  • Gasoline & diesel engines
  • 2- & 4-cycle engines
  • Fuel oil furnaces/boilers
  • Fuel storage tanks


  • Cleans & protects fuel system
  • Increases mileage
  • Reduces harmful emissions
  • Increases atomization in carburization & fuel injection
  • Assists in neutralizing combustion acids
  • Blasts upper cylinder carbons
  • Provides upper cylinder lubrication
  • Cleans & frees sticky valves
  • Disperses water in the fuel
  • Controls algae, jelling & waxing in diesel fuels
  • Provides quicker starts in cold temperatures
  • Improves overall engine performance
  • Safe for catalytic converters
  • Complies with Federal sulfur content requirements of diesel engines
  • E-15 compatible

KEY FEATURES & BENEFITS - Oil Furnaces, Boilers, & Storage Tanks

  • Provides better fuel-air mix, increasing combustion of fuel & fuel efficiency
  • Disperses water & moisture in fuel & uniformly combusts with fuel
  • Provides fuel pump lubrication, extending pump life
  • Cleans furnace combustion system during operation
  • Cleans nozzles & pump systems
  • Dissolves & removes gum deposits from fuel lines
  • Inhibits formation of fuel gums & resins
  • Protects the fuel system from rust & corrosion
  • Inhibits fungi & bacteria build up in the fuel
  • Improves furnace performance
  • Reduces fuel consumption
  • Reduces jelling & waxing
  • Reduces soot & carbon

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